Ok, here's the situation. My mind is so filled up with useless senseless observations and assorted other nonsense that I have decided to start publishing it all online so that maybe somewhere there will be enough people out there that are looking for completely pointless informations to store in their brains that I will be exalted and made rich beyond the dreams of Avarice. Well, that makes about as much sense to me as anything else and is about as likely as any of the other things I dream up. Actually, I am tired of doing just about everything else except having silly conversations with my kids. I have gotten to the point that only they understand anything I say. We have been having these conversations on the way to school for several years now and I truly feel that the citizens of the world will benefit from hearing this jibberish. Really??? Naw, I just want to get rich and become an idle unproductive member of society but I'm unwilling to expend any effort to get there. I am a proud member of the Moron Underground and I am releasing all other morons from any obligation to seriousness. Come out of the shadows you idiots and hear my words! They are random and silly.